Welcome to the new you

Aug 1

Emergent uses

  • Direct Mindfulness

    Experience ultimate reality beyond any suffering (Monad) from your first session

  • Metaphysical therapy

    Easily overcome any negative inner states with our ontological and epistemic AI chat flows and tools

  • Complex research/ note-taking

    Map data in more than infinity(cubed) dimensions under your own semantics, see auto-generated clusters from your data

  • Deification

    Experience God and truth through AI-assisted Apophatic Theology (process of elimination)

  • Organize and focus

    Annotate your data under multiple semantics simultaneously (task, old/current you, private/public, focus etc), easily combine filters on the home page

  • Validate any system

    Crete and explore infinitely-complex systems, use our AI functions to compile if they fundamentally hold, their validity after AI processing, absolute origins and more

How it all works

  • Data structure similar to the brain, internet, universe

    All input in ImmaterialAI is described in either nodes or links between them, used by the AI to expose insights and auto-generate views like ancestry graphs, (Plus) dependency trees, Sanity Check validity distributions, Clusters, Quantum field and more,

  • Conversations with our AI

    Our conversational AIs and AI functions crawl through your data to expose inconsistencies, new possibilities, circular references and more

  • 4 user paths tailored to your immediate need

    Overcome, Beyond, Breakthrough and Create

  • World-first self-reflection tools

    "Is it Real?", "Check for link", "Big Picture", “Clusters” and “Sanity check” are only some of the many tools you will not find anywhere else

  • Gamified self-help

    Gain experience as you use different tools, unlock more advanced tools each level. Sprinkle entanglement-driven recommendations (Plus) into your experience to really play IAI as a game alongside reality

  • Smartest filters and views in the game

    Filters like Focused items, Old/New me distinctions, Favorites, (Plus) Task status and ancestry - to use separately or simultaneously +

  • Unlimited data definitions (Plus only)

    ImmaterialAI's Meta layer lets you rewrite the structure of your data in over infinity^3 dimensions, Quantum field showing it to you in one unified graph

  • Rich text formatting (Plus only)

    Use our premium editor to format any node, with new built-in buttons to add headers, nodes, node links, tables, images, code, lists, bold and more

  • More additional functionality

    Like Sugar pills, Quantum noise, Worlds, Mentions and more


  • Free

    The main feature offering, permanently free with no ads or tracking

  • Plus

    Adds tools like Tasks, Me board, Check for Link, Dependency Graph, Markdown support, Meta data layer, Clusters, Train your intuition, Sanity check and more to the core experience

    one time payment, no ads or tracking