ImmaterialAI 3.22 “Search+” - search enhancements, performance improvements, UI, Clusters & more
Here’s another hitter!
ImmaterialAI 3.22 customized with custom background, color filter, color, skin
hot swap:
while typing, parts of your search query (delimitted by |) might match some keywords. When this happens, the system performs custom functionality (in this case, enabling different filters) instead of searching for that query part, e.g. "todo" or "inprogress" showing all todo or in progress nodes. When your search query changes to something that's not a keyword e.g. "todo"->"tod", the filter turned on by the previous search query will be deactivated and the system will go back to usual, searching for all items containing "tod"
same logic added to the todos and root/ancestry filters
new hotswap keywords added for new/old me data
meta keyword can now be chained with other queries
you can now search for multiple categories at the same time
e.g. to see all systems and feelings and data tools, search "cat:system|cat:feeling|cat:data"
to escape any category filters or hot swap keywords, etc. use '/'
e.g. typing 'fav' will consume the text and show you all favorites unfiltered by any text, you can now type "/fav" to escape any custom functionality and actually search for 'fav'
you can also use "fav|/fav" or vice-versa to search for all favorites that contain "fav"
home page focused item positioning changed
big picture generates graphs faster
splash screen, onboarding and post-onboarding now use the inverse theme wherever needed
full screen and page mode persistance between sessions fixed
fixes to the item list generation on the home page
app faster for portrait resolutions
fixed bugs with unlocked features that should be hidden on unlock showing up on the home page
Clusters (Plus only)
fixed bug where one cluster would be split into multiple due to merging strategy, clusters now generate fully correct
cluster's background is more transparent
under-the-hood functionality expanded