ImmaterialAI 3.10 "Pages" update is LIVE

Today we're releasing 3.10 on Web and Android, our last update for 2021!

First, thank you all for your support this far, it's wild to see how far we got with the v3 platform in only a year, and to see the radical impact the new platform has had on members of our community. It's definitely working, now we've got only two things left to do with v3: 1. bring more stability and 2.implement the remaining Plus features.

Whatever our plans are after those two, we already have more planned for Plus users beyond the v3 platform! Those that know our future plans can't wait to use it, that's all I'm gonna say for now without spoiling it.

3.10 falls under 1. being all about performance scalability when dealing with huge data sets. Now you can import entire languages into the platform without your device suffering.


When searching for data/features, your home page now splits into multiple pages if results exceed a specific number of rows (based on screen orientation), now supporting an endless amount of results without taking a performance hit.

You can toggle between different pages at the bottom of the screen. Combine with other performance settings for even better performance on lower-end/older/battery-saver/etc devices.

Happy new year from everyone here!



ImmaterialAI 3.11 is live, featuring Presentation Mode


ImmaterialAI 3.9.0 "Meta+" update is live