Immaterial review feedback
On here we’ll have longer replies to reviews that are beyond the 350 character limit. We’ll link this page in reviews with a specific code for each reply, and you can find the detailed reply to your review based on your code:
Hey Chloe, thanks for trying our app out. Its unfortunate to hear, I was sexually assaulted too, for me it wasn't about why but how can I get over it. For reframing experiences there’s the Reshape flow.
When you’re saying why, i suspect you used the “Deconstruct” flow from Unravel. The "Why" should be focused on something else, not the experience itself but the resulting state, ergo “why trauma”, what is trauma, why is that a fact of life, what are the inner workings of trauma if any. “Don’t know” is a valid response too, it creates the idea of known unknowns and of what has been experienced as being possibly something else. Because how can you know when you don’t know? This can be applied to all emotions. “Why people would sexually assault” is because people are messed up, putting their own pleasure above all else (including causing others pain for the pleasure), an indicator of how twisted some are in our day and age, but the app is more about you, not them.
Another example of conditions ripe for the app are mental illnesses tied to "you are brain chemistry" or random summations of X out of Y symptoms, they can be easily debunked as that narrative is correlations pushed as facts.
Using the Meta models bundle you can also create new concept types like people, places, or anything that comes to mind, along with custom relations where you can enforce what content types can be used, which should also help with what you want to achieve.
Email me at and I’ll send you a code with all the premium features so you have access to all the features and you get to try the full experience. Some features of the app are paid because the base app is enough to do what you need to do - you can always use the general “idea” concept type for whatever concept you have in mind, with the extra features just adding more features to those that want it/want to support us. We need to survive off this and fund our R&D and future development too, if we were living off fine the price of the in-app purchases would be much cheaper, possibly even free.
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