On the future of Immaterial: iOS, online features and more

The Android app has been out for a few months now, enjoying great reception while getting frequent updates. Since release we have expanded the feature set, including the House of Cards update, Detox mode, and another data bundle. While there's crazy new features in the work for the Android app, we've been directing our time towards the next horizons, starting with iOS!

To be able to get the iOS app out as soon as possible we'll need funding. We launched a Patreon towards this. With enough funding, we'll be able to work on this full time and get the iOS app and more out asap. When I say more, I mean MUCH more: Online features, Desktop and Web versions, meta models, customizable data functions and a new timeline page to begin with.

We're reaching out to different outlets and forums regarding Immaterial and the fight for consciousness to help with all of this. If you support our vision spread the word around or contribute directly, we can all make a difference.

New pricing structure

Soon we'll announce a new pricing structure. (Update, post here)

If you want to get the Connections Bundle for a discounted price before the changes come into place, do it in until the 26th of October.

The new pricing model will contain a combination of one-time in-app purchases and subscriptions, we'll be providing multiple paths for upgrading beyond the base experience. The base app will stay free as is, it is too relevant to be behind a pay wall.


You can help us in different ways

  • Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/futuresoup

  • Sharing the website, app or campaigns to your community

  • Investing or partnering with us, we're open to different avenues. Reach out by email to claudiu (at) nomorrow (dot) org

More soon!



Immaterial 1.9 is out on Android!


Immaterial 1.8.0 “Detox” update is live + book