Immaterial 1.8.0 “Detox” update is live + book

This week 1.8.0 of the app has been launched, and with it, the Detox feature.

Just how you can do 10 minutes of meditation, you can now do 5 minutes of Detox through the app, in which you can dig through all of the negative and murky to find the underlying truth (spoiler alert: most often than not the underlying logic feels much better and is more freeing than what we would label as “unwanted”).

Since our last biggest update, I finished the first version of the book Immaterial is based on, a practical approach to getting over any inner turmoil by taking a look at the concepts ruling our decision making. The book is available in electronic and hard-copy versions on Amazon .

On iOS / other versions

Looking forward, we’ll be trying crowdfunding, see how that goes. Who knows, we might be able to crowdfund the iOS app through it if there is enough support. More details on that soon!


On the future of Immaterial: iOS, online features and more


Immaterial 1.6.0 “House of Cards” update is live