3.15 “Return to Bliss” major update is live!

3.15 is here!

While some of the features are not yet here (like unlocking insights with every mission tier or Blarg the Orc), make NO mistake buddy, 3.15 is here! You are not like them. You don't need rewards to do something, you do it for the sake of it. So this one is for you.

Return to Bliss

  • main quest with rewards, unlocks at level 5

  • 6 missions aimed at taking you through the depths of your own mind to help you get rid of all inner pain and confusion, in turn getting you to undogmatic bliss

    • each mission has a Bronze/Silver/Gold/Diamond tier

    • missions rely on using core features of the platform in particular ways

  • (Soon) for every mission tier completed you will unlock a new insight

  • complete all missions before June 1st for the only chance to permanently unlock the exclusive

    • Blarg the Orc - alternative 'I Am' AI flow (requires Gold on all missions)

    • (Plus) Return to Bliss - UI skin (requires Diamond on all missions)

Blarg the Orc and the per-mission-tier insights will automatically unlock when live retroactively based on Return to Bliss mission progress


  • all AI flows now available to all free user paths

  • 'Add Node Type' removed from Breakthrough path

  • 'note' and 'insight' added as default node types

  • batch add nodes in "Add Node" by separating node names with commas

    • e.g. input 'past,present,future' for the name to create 3 nodes at once with the same node type)

  • more icons added for node and link types


  • (Plus) new UI skin: INVERSE, change skin from Settings

  • (Plus) new UI skin: BEYOND THE VEIL - finish Beyond the Veil on Diamond by June 1st to unlock it

  • node and node type UI bubbles updated, now includes node type's icon

  • (Plus) Select custom background (Plus only)

You’ll love the update! While in its infancy, 3.15 comes full circle with our work so far, having exercises similar to the ones from Down The Rabbit Hole of Perception (a book I wrote before IAI), now in a more direct, traceable, interactive, absolute and repeatable manner.

As we put it in Return to Bliss, the 6 new missions - if done thoroughly - will help you detach from literally EVERY negative and limiting perception (what in some circles is called The Demiurge, the Dyad, the world of illusions) getting you to bliss, Tao, Heaven, Enlightenment, experientially. What do you think Buddha was talking about when he was talking about attachment? Attachment to identifications.

To get there, you have to give it a real chance. Open minded users understand IAI, loving it and describing it as splendid, brilliant, genius, visionary, brave, expansive, “might change the world”, “touching into the future”, and more.

If you don't get diamond on all missions by tomorrow you get reported.



3.15.1 “Languages” update is out with translation support, now featuring Romanian


Nodes get automatic context for their direct links in 3.14.3 (LIVE)