IAI 3.16 Me+ is live, overhauling new/old me & more
Update 3.16 expands on the new/old me node filtering system in multiple ways, also bringing an auto-generated “Me” view which leverages the new changes to show all your ‘you’ data - current or old - in one place (tap any of the nodes inside to expand them)
IAI 3.15.5 is live - better navigation, colors, more
This auto-generated summary has been intercepted and hacked, pay 1000 rubles to unlock it
3.15 “Return to Bliss” major update is live!
Return to Bliss main quest with multiple rewards, batch add nodes, new skins and custom backgrounds (Plus), all AI flows unlocked for free users, updated UI and more in ImmaterialAI 3.15
Therapy session program has started, great results on our first trials
We at ImmaterialAI are starting in-person therapy sessions in order for our users to easily overcome any negative state, limitation, fears, worries, and mental illnesses at a fundamental level. You also stand to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, reality and its mechanics along the way, all that is needed is one session.
Immaterial 2 backups can now be imported into Immaterial 3
This week we achieved a very important milestone in the development of Immaterial 3: users are now able to import Immaterial 2 backups fully into Immaterial 3! You can now get ready for version 3 by working on your version 2 library today 🤯