IAI 5.0 “Café” - Internet café support, World constraints, node type ancestry, node UI split & more
Welcome to ImmaterialAI 5!
IAI 4 was short lived (5 months), acting as THE update lifecycle post- the free and Plus versions leaving Early Access. More AI (e.g. mentions), more functionality (Worlds) and most importantly QOL additions like automatic backups, shortcuts and the ability to change your language in-app were the name of the game.
With IAI 5 we're doing something different - we're going to run it for most likely a few years due to its sheer scale.
We have more than 40 features and feature updates planned (compared to 8 from ImmaterialAI 4's roadmap), among which new Linux, Mac and language support, a completely reworked homepage and new data types.
ImmaterialAI 5.0
ImmaterialAI (with Plus DLC) now available on Steam PC Café to be used in any internet cafe, more here for what that means for you as a user or internet cafe owner
SteamDeck preparation: SteamDeck touch inputs now behave like using touch on touchscreen Windows devices
streaming IAI on a phone handles input touches as mouse clicks
backups now support Mesh 1.0 data (tags, tag instances, world constraints & new property parentId for node types)
Simplified Chinese and Hindi full support added
new way of displaying available languages replaces showing the 2 letter country code of each language with the language's name in that language and script
15 new icons available for custom node types and worlds
the Details tab inside nodes is split into two tabs (Text and Details) on portrait screens:
Text tab only contains the title, subtitle, mentions and description + save & copy buttons
Details tab contains everything else
one/two tab mode can be set to a specific one regardless of portrait/landscape resolution from the Customization section of Settings
standalone Tree tab, auto-generated based on selected link types
unlocks for all users at level at 3
you can configure the link types allowed for the tree generation
ability to export the tree to clipboard and file
Node types (Plus, Lite):
can now have parents (and descendants)
node types' hierarchy trees auto-generated from the new parent property
If you search for node type A with subtype B, you’ll see all nodes of type B too (and all other descendants of A)
Worlds (Plus)
can now have constraints to limit the meta data types of new data made while in each world
exclude and allow different node and link types
types that don’t fit the criteria don’t get shown during searches
world constraints get exported and imported to/from backups
world constraints take into account node type ancestry ( e.g. if you have node type A with parent type B and B with parent type C and decide to exclude C and allow B, A should be allowed)
with multiple worlds active you might reach conflicts where one world excludes a node type that another world allows, in such cases 'allows' will override 'excludes'
constraint validation removed for links until some issues are patched
New default data
Node types: process, location
Link type: at location
graphs now include the nodes’ subtitles if present
you can now navigate from the main quest page back to the disclaimer for re-reads
Welcome, more to come for all types of users soon!
(originally released on 28/01/2023)