ImmaterialAI 3.4 - new navigation stack & quick category filters
A video is worth how many words?
New navigation stack
Navigation in ImmaterialAI now feels much more like a browser:
you can now navigate from your currently-opened content to any another (like clicking on a link on a website) and go forward and backwards between them just like using the arrows in a browser.
there is no limit to how many items you can have in the navigation stack.
to clear the stack, click the home icon!
Soon: clicking once will take you home, clicking again will also clear the stack
On top of that, we’ve made it MUCH easier to filter content.
Quick Category filters
You can now click on any content’s ‘category” section (top right corner of an item) to filter only that type of content. This functionality applies to both features and data, making it very easy to find exactly what you are looking for.
We’ve also fixed some crashes, mostly with Big Picture.