1.0 is out on Android, with Reshape and new database
1.0 is out ahead of schedule 🥂 and it comes with Reshape too! Reshape input is mapped using the triggers/triggered by relation type, more on relation types in the change log.
After 1.0 there are different things to do, there’s plans for 1.0.5 and 1.1 already!
Changes in 1.0
Reshape added: New flow in Unravel, change how you feel about a situation
New types of relations enabled by the new database
triggers/triggered by: an idea/thought/memory can trigger multiple things, and they themselves can trigger and be triggered by many things
related: any item can be related to any item
parent relations streamlined, e.g. system_parent can have item_effect as a child
favorite, focus, source use the same system
soon enables custom node types and rules
Blobs show the cover of its data tinted in the data type (picture below from the home tab)
Fixes in Unravel for answer text clipping
Notifications will only be sent once per day (silent maintenance once as usual)
and other UI and backend changes and fixes
For those already familiar with Immaterial, 1.0 won’t feel much different, it isn’t a rework. What will be new for you is that Reshape is finally enabled in Unravel outside of the early adopters program, and the new many-to-many relations (triggers, triggered by, related to) available in the Relations tab of all data types.
Personally, with 1.0 out the way it is, I am finally relaxed. The essence of Immaterial I had in mind when deciding to do it and leave my old job has been realised, you can find out who you are and change how you feel. More copy, business, Android features and iOS/Web progress from tomorrow, it can all take a backseat for the day. We’re certainly doing graphs very soon, maybe the next thing, it’s too close to not take it.
Have one for us, we’ll definitely have one or more for you 🥳
- Claudiu