Immaterial Classic 2.6 on Play Store soon, with all features available for free
Title says it all, 2.6 that we just sent for review unlocks all premium features for a limited time. Big picture, Meta models, all Unravel flows and more are now available to everyone in the base app for free!
Immaterial 2.0 “Meta” Update is Live on Early access
Previously you could only create data of pre-defined types and relate them in specific pre-defined ways. For this update, we've been hard at work exposing the underlying system in order to remove those constraints. Meta models takes customization to an entirely new dimension, you'll now be able to create your own content and relation types, usable all throughout the app. It effectively lets you create your own universes, with custom rules and semantics.
Immaterial 1.5 "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" update is live!
Copilot 1.5 is here, with pre-made concepts to start your journey
Immaterial 1.4.0: entire concept graph exports and more
You can now export concept graphs, all the directly and indirectly related ideas to yours with one tap