Neuron-like data coming in 1.0
The next big release of the Android app will feature a remade database structure, bringing with it new ways to organize and unravel your mind! Triggers - great for tackling addictions, destructive behaviors, etc - are already implemented in the new system and will go live with 1.0💦 The news we don't like to talk about is that the old data will be wiped in the process - sorry not sorry, it's the past man, just let it go, maybe it’s better this way? It's hard to argue for converting the old data models with our current userbase when I could focus on new, more relevant features.
Conceptually, the data in version 0.9 looks like a forest, with each parent-less item representing a tree. In 1.0, the database looks more like brains, items being closer to neurons, having any number of connections between each other. The database also supports specialized types of neurons and connections, so we’ll be able to do many cool things with the new setup.
Some features to look out for, possible through the new database:
Triggers - already implemented
Graphs - in progress - From one node, see and interact with the whole network of related ideas and see how they interplay
Shortest path & paths - Find the trail of concepts between idea X and Y / all possible flows taking you from X to Y
Analogous relations - two items can be analogous through some common heuristics denoted by a 3rd item
Parallelism - two items can be contrasted through related items of each of them.
Spectrums - put items on a spectrum, move them around, and observe their sameness in nature. Emotions like love and hate can use this feature to provide clarity on emotions.
Change data type - Is that thought a feeling? No problem!
User-made data types and connection rules
Lists as items - an item composed of other items, itself being able to be used like any other items.
Exciting times! So much to look forward to, personally I can’t wait for the graphs and all the cool connections we'll see from them! Debunking brain is consciousness? Expose subjectivity in perceived objectivity? Possibilities are endless! Oh there’s also an iOS app but that takes a back seat until we do the 1.0 right on Android.
1.0 goes live for early adopters this week! Some testing and we might also get Reshape into the production release this week ♥️
- Claudiu