Immaterial 2.4 “I Am” update is out, inspired by Taoist teachings!

We just released version 2.4, featuring “I Am …” - the 3rd available flow in the Unravel tab, available to both free and premium users! We have also made some smaller changes to the app which we’ll get to later.

“I Am …”

Warning: information hazards.

Information hazards are risks that arise from the dissemination or the potential dissemination of true information that may cause harm or enable some agent to cause harm. Such hazards are often subtler than direct physical threats, and, as a consequence, are easily overlooked.

"I Am" emphasizes how quick we can be at assigning ourselves to symbolic concepts, concepts that carry with them ambiguity, strengths and weaknesses, certainties and impossibilities. Detaching ourselves from ideas - vague or concrete - allows us to see the world and ourselves clearer every time.

This unravel flow helps you uncover the world synonymous with The Tao and other similar terms.

When entering data into I Am, you can easily search through existing data or create new concepts on the fly within the flow. The objects are saved as they are created and their contextual information is converted to relevant "proof" and “related” relations.

The relations are saved only after you press Save at the end of the flow.

Other changes

  • Text: Content type is now Concept type wherever relevant

  • Concept/Relation type icon selection: Added 10 new icons you can use

  • Bugfix: Deleting a concept type refreshes the library

We’re very excited for you to try the “I Am …”, it’s our most impactful Unravel flow yet! it leverages the whole of Immaterial to change perception many times within the same flow, reason for which we’re adding a warning before you use it.

We’ll have fun with it, you too!



Immaterial 3 (iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, Linux, Web) coming in 2021


Immaterial 2.3 “Everything” update is now live!