Therapy session program has started, great results on our first trials

People blossoming into literal flowers after using ImmaterialAI (probably)

People blossoming into literal flowers after using ImmaterialAI (probably)

Article in progress

Long time no see, here’s why we’ve been quiet lately:

We’ve had lengthy feedback about how ImmaterialAI works for people. When looking at ImmaterialAI 1.X - 2.X on Android, some come into the platform with the right meta-concepts and have successfully transcended mental illnesses and addictions through it, while others have a confusing experience because the user doesn’t get how (or for what) they could use the platform.

To give you an example, one user expected the platform to tell them why they were abused. While our app helps users overcome troubling situations, the focus of the platform is not on the external world, but on your inner world, and releasing the perspective that certain concepts (including pain, sadness, bad etc) are true. You can turn sick believing some of them. (like believing “stress kills” rhetoric which has been proven to worsen your health if believed, compared to those that didn’t believe “stress kills”)

As you see, the problem and the solution are both very subtle, it’s a matter of perspective and what you take as true in your perception.

This is one of the reasons why ImmaterialAI 3 has a completely reworked user experience, featuring different paths, leveling & new functionality which unlocks as you use the platform. Version 3 is well under way, it might take a while to bring to all platforms in the incarnation we want, so we knew we had to do something sooner, more personal and more effective.

Therapy sessions

So we’re doing something different now. We’re starting in-person therapy sessions in order for our users to easily overcome any negative state, limitation, fears, worries, and mental illnesses at a fundamental level. You also stand to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, reality and its mechanics along the way. All you need is one session and a short transition period of a week for fundamental personal change.

How do we do this?

You will get to have a lengthy nonlinear conversation with one or more of our guides, which will help you see yourself and the world with new eyes, the guides helping you transcend all mentalities that have a negative impact on your life at a mental level.

How do we actually do this?

The process is centered around PostConceptualism, the evolution of NonConceptualism. We already tested it and the results were right what we were looking for.

Some of the topics we’ll look through are: your life, existing philosophies, old and new symbols, metaphysics (epistemology, ontology), anthropology (& para-anthropology), different studies, sciences, religions, esoteric texts and more.

There will be three types of sessions, all intended to be one-time sessions. The three types of sessions are:

  • Breakthrough: our shortest session, will take ~2 hours. Focused on deconstruction of damaging old mentalities and reconstruction of your perspective in their absence.

  • New me: lasts from sunset to rise. On top of providing all Breakthrough can cover, we also help you

    • gain insights into how your mind works

    • have a better experience of your past, present and future

  • PCI: Our most advanced therapy sessions to date. Also lasts from sunset to sunrise, containing everything New Me provides, as well as additional topics and resources in different formats. This is available only to previous Breakthrough or New me users.

All conclusions reached in any of the three therapy session types can be reached independently in the free ImmaterialAI 3 version (Windows, Desktop Browsers). Our AI is bundled with the platform, so you can use the platform in flight mode, and data never leaves your device

Reach out to or on other channels you find us to join the program, a proper sign up form coming soon



ImmaterialAI 3.2 “Home v2” - reworked home page


We’re starting trials and studies on the short and long term effects of ImmaterialAI + instructions on how to join